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Version: testnet (v0.73)


No description

type Vote {
value: VoteValue!
party: Party!
datetime: Timestamp!
proposalId: ID!
governanceTokenBalance: String!
governanceTokenWeight: String!
equityLikeShareWeight: String!


Vote.value ● VoteValue! non-null enum

The vote value cast ● Party! non-null object

The party casting the vote

Vote.datetime ● Timestamp! non-null scalar

RFC3339Nano time and date when the vote reached Vega network

Vote.proposalId ● ID! non-null scalar

The ID of the proposal this vote applies to

Vote.governanceTokenBalance ● String! non-null scalar

Total number of governance tokens for the party that cast the vote

Vote.governanceTokenWeight ● String! non-null scalar

The weight of this vote based on the total of governance token

Vote.equityLikeShareWeight ● String! non-null scalar

The weight of this vote based on the total equity like share

Member of

Entities object ● ProposalVote object ● ProposalVoteSide object ● VoteEdge object