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Version: testnet (v0.73)


Configuration for a new spot market on Vega

type NewSpotMarket {
instrument: InstrumentConfiguration!
decimal_places: Int!
metadata: [String!]!
priceMonitoringParameters: PriceMonitoringParameters!
targetStakeParameters: TargetStakeParameters!
riskParameters: RiskModel
positionDecimalPlaces: Int!
liquiditySLAParams: LiquiditySLAParameters!


NewSpotMarket.instrument ● InstrumentConfiguration! non-null object

New spot market instrument configuration

NewSpotMarket.decimal_places ● Int! non-null scalar

Decimal places used for the new market, sets the smallest price increment on the book

NewSpotMarket.metadata ● [String!]! non-null scalar

Optional spot market metadata tags

NewSpotMarket.priceMonitoringParameters ● PriceMonitoringParameters! non-null object

Price monitoring parameters

NewSpotMarket.targetStakeParameters ● TargetStakeParameters! non-null object

Specifies parameters related to liquidity target stake calculation

NewSpotMarket.riskParameters ● RiskModel union

New spot market risk model parameters

NewSpotMarket.positionDecimalPlaces ● Int! non-null scalar

Decimal places for order sizes, sets what size the smallest order / position on the spot market can be

NewSpotMarket.liquiditySLAParams ● LiquiditySLAParameters! non-null object

Specifies the liquidity provision SLA parameters

Implemented by

ProposalChange union