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Version: testnet (v0.73)


No description

type AggregatedLedgerEntry {
vegaTime: Timestamp!
quantity: String!
assetId: ID
transferType: TransferType
fromAccountPartyId: ID
toAccountPartyId: ID
fromAccountMarketId: ID
toAccountMarketId: ID
fromAccountType: AccountType
toAccountType: AccountType
fromAccountBalance: String!
toAccountBalance: String!


AggregatedLedgerEntry.vegaTime ● Timestamp! non-null scalar

RFC3339Nano time from at which this ledger entries records were relevant

AggregatedLedgerEntry.quantity ● String! non-null scalar

Net amount of ledger entries for the accounts specified in the filter at this time

AggregatedLedgerEntry.assetId ● ID scalar

Asset identifier, if query was grouped by asset - else null

AggregatedLedgerEntry.transferType ● TransferType enum

Type of the transfer for this ledger entry

AggregatedLedgerEntry.fromAccountPartyId ● ID scalar

Party identifier, if query was grouped by sender party - else null

AggregatedLedgerEntry.toAccountPartyId ● ID scalar

Party identifier, if query was grouped by receiver party - else null

AggregatedLedgerEntry.fromAccountMarketId ● ID scalar

Market identifier, if query was grouped by sender market - else null

AggregatedLedgerEntry.toAccountMarketId ● ID scalar

Market identifier, if query was grouped by receiver market - else null

AggregatedLedgerEntry.fromAccountType ● AccountType enum

Account type, if query was grouped by sender account type - else null

AggregatedLedgerEntry.toAccountType ● AccountType enum

Account type, if query was grouped by receiver account type - else null

AggregatedLedgerEntry.fromAccountBalance ● String! non-null scalar

Sender account balance after the transfer

AggregatedLedgerEntry.toAccountBalance ● String! non-null scalar

Receiver account balance after the transfer

Member of

AggregatedLedgerEntriesEdge object