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Version: testnet (v0.73)


Data point for a funding period.

type FundingPeriodDataPoint {
marketId: ID!
seq: Int!
dataPointSource: FundingPeriodDataPointSource
price: String!
twap: String
timestamp: Timestamp!


FundingPeriodDataPoint.marketId ● ID! non-null scalar

Market the data point applies to.

FundingPeriodDataPoint.seq ● Int! non-null scalar

Sequence number of the funding period the data point belongs to.

FundingPeriodDataPoint.dataPointSource ● FundingPeriodDataPointSource enum

Source of the data point.

FundingPeriodDataPoint.price ● String! non-null scalar

Price of the asset as seen by this data point.

FundingPeriodDataPoint.twap ● String scalar

Time-weighted average price calculated from data points for this period from the data source.

FundingPeriodDataPoint.timestamp ● Timestamp! non-null scalar

RFC3339Nano timestamp when the data point was received.

Member of

FundingPeriodDataPointEdge object