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Version: mainnet (v0.72)


Get market data history for a specific market. If no dates are given, the latest snapshot will be returned. If only the start date is provided all history from the given date will be provided, and if only the end date is provided, all history from the start up to and including the end date will be provided.

id: ID!
start: Timestamp
end: Timestamp
pagination: Pagination
): MarketDataConnection

Arguments ● ID! non-null scalar

getMarketDataHistoryConnectionByID.start ● Timestamp scalar

Optional start date time for the historic data query. If both the start and end date is not provided, only the latest snapshot will be returned. If only the start date is provided, all market data for the market from the start date forward will be returned.

getMarketDataHistoryConnectionByID.end ● Timestamp scalar

Optional end date time for the historic data query. If both the start and end date is not provided, only the latest snapshot will be returned. If only the end date is provided, all market data for the market up to and including the end date will be returned.

getMarketDataHistoryConnectionByID.pagination ● Pagination input

Optional Pagination


MarketDataConnection object

Connection type for retrieving cursor-based paginated market data information