📄️ AccountType
The various account types in Vega (used by collateral)
📄️ AssetStatus
Status of an asset that has been proposed to be added to the network
📄️ AuctionTrigger
Describes the trigger for an auction
📄️ BusEventType
Event types
📄️ ConditionOperator
Comparator describes the type of comparison.
📄️ DataSourceSpecStatus
Describes the status of the data spec
📄️ DepositStatus
The status of a deposit
📄️ DispatchMetric
The type of metric to use for a reward dispatch strategy
📄️ GovernanceTransferType
No description
📄️ Interval
The interval for trade candles when subscribing via Vega GraphQL, default is I15M
📄️ LedgerEntryField
Type of transfer between accounts
📄️ LiquidityProvisionStatus
Status of a liquidity provision order
📄️ MarketState
The current state of a market
📄️ MarketTradingMode
What market trading mode is the market in
📄️ NodeSignatureKind
Represents the type of signature provided by a node
📄️ NodeStatus
Validating status of a node, i.e. validator or non-validator
📄️ OrderRejectionReason
Why the order was rejected by the core node
📄️ OrderStatus
Valid order statuses, these determine several states for an order that cannot be expressed with other fields in Order.
📄️ OrderTimeInForce
Valid order types, these determine what happens when an order is added to the book
📄️ OrderType
Types of orders
📄️ PeggedReference
Valid references used for pegged orders.
📄️ PositionStatus
Position status can change if a position is distressed
📄️ PropertyKeyType
Type describes the type of properties that are supported by the data source
📄️ ProposalRejectionReason
Why the proposal was rejected by the core node
📄️ ProposalState
Various states a proposal can transition through:
📄️ ProposalType
Various proposal types that are supported by Vega
📄️ ProtocolUpgradeProposalStatus
The set of valid statuses for a protocol upgrade proposal
📄️ Side
Whether the placer of an order is aiming to buy or sell on the market
📄️ StakeLinkingStatus
The status of the stake linking
📄️ StakeLinkingType
The type of stake linking
📄️ StopOrderExpiryStrategy
Valid stop order expiry strategies. The expiry strategy determines what happens to a stop order when it expires.
📄️ StopOrderStatus
Valid stop order statuses, these determine several states for a stop order that cannot be expressed with other fields in StopOrder.
📄️ StopOrderTriggerDirection
Valid stop order trigger direction. The trigger direction determines whether the price should rise above or fall below the stop order trigger.
📄️ TradeType
Valid trade types
📄️ TransferDirection
Filter type for specifying the types of transfers to filter for
📄️ TransferStatus
All the states a transfer can transition between
📄️ TransferType
Types that describe why a transfer has been made
📄️ ValidatorStatus
Status of a validator node
📄️ VoteValue
Whether a governance vote is yes or no
📄️ WithdrawalStatus
The status of a withdrawal