📄️ AccountBalance
An account record
📄️ AccountDetails
An account record
📄️ AccountEdge
Edge type containing the account and cursor information returned by an AccountsConnection
📄️ AccountEvent
An account record
📄️ AccountUpdate
An account record used for subscriptions
📄️ AccountsConnection
Connection type for retrieving cursor-based paginated list of account
📄️ AggregatedBalanceConnection
No description
📄️ AggregatedBalanceEdge
No description
📄️ AggregatedBalance
No description
📄️ AggregatedLedgerEntriesConnection
No description
📄️ AggregatedLedgerEntriesEdge
No description
📄️ AggregatedLedgerEntry
No description
📄️ AssetEdge
Edge type containing the asset and cursor information returned by a AssetsConnection
📄️ Asset
Represents an asset in Vega
📄️ AssetsConnection
Connection type for retrieving cursor-based paginated assets information
📄️ AuctionDuration
An auction duration is used to configure 3 auction periods:
📄️ AuctionEvent
No description
📄️ BuiltinAsset
A Vega builtin asset, mostly for testing purpose
📄️ BusEvent
No description
📄️ CancelTransfer
Allows for cancellation of an existing governance transfer
📄️ CandleDataConnection
Connection type for retrieving cursor-based paginated candle information
📄️ CandleEdge
Edge type containing the candle and cursor information returned by a CandleDataConnection
📄️ Candle
Candle stick representation of trading
📄️ Condition
Condition describes the condition that must be validated by the data source engine
📄️ ContinuousTrading
A mode where Vega tries to execute orders as soon as they are received
📄️ CoreSnapshotConnection
Connection type for retrieving cursor-based paginated core snapshot data
📄️ CoreSnapshotData
A snapshot taken by the core
📄️ CoreSnapshotEdge
Edge type containing the core snapshot cursor information
📄️ DataSourceDefinitionExternal
DataSourceDefinitionExternal is the top level object used for all external data sources.
📄️ DataSourceDefinitionInternal
DataSourceDefinitionInternal is the top level object used for all internal data sources.
📄️ DataSourceDefinition
DataSourceDefinition represents the top level object that deals with data sources.
📄️ DataSourceSpecConfigurationTime
DataSourceSpecConfigurationTime is the internal data source used for emitting timestamps.
📄️ DataSourceSpecConfiguration
DataSourceSpecConfiguration describes the source data that an instrument wants to get from the
📄️ DataSourceSpecToFutureBinding
DataSourceSpecToFutureBinding tells on which property data source data should be
📄️ DataSourceSpec
An data source specification describes the data source data that a product (or a risk model)
📄️ Data
A data source contains the data sent by a data source
📄️ DelegationEdge
Edge type containing the delegation and cursor information returned by a DelegationsConnection
📄️ Delegation
No description
📄️ DelegationsConnection
Connection type for retrieving cursor-based paginated delegation information
📄️ DepositEdge
Edge type containing the deposit and cursor information returned by a DepositsConnection
📄️ Deposit
The details of a deposit processed by Vega
📄️ DepositsConnection
Connection type for retrieving cursor-based paginated deposits information
📄️ DiscreteTrading
Frequent batch auctions trading mode
📄️ DispatchStrategy
Dispatch strategy for a recurring transfer
📄️ Entities
List of all entities created by transaction hash
📄️ EpochData
Summary of all epochs for a node
📄️ EpochParticipation
Summary of a node's rewards for a given epoch
📄️ EpochRewardSummaryConnection
No description
📄️ EpochRewardSummaryEdge
No description
📄️ EpochRewardSummary
an aggregated reward summary for a combination of epoch/asset/market/reward type
📄️ EpochTimestamps
Describes in both human readable and block time when an epoch spans.
📄️ Epoch
Epoch describes a specific period of time in the Vega network
📄️ Erc20ListAssetBundle
Response for the signature bundle to allowlist an ERC20 token in the collateral bridge
📄️ Erc20WithdrawalApproval
All the data related to the approval of a withdrawal from the network
📄️ Erc20WithdrawalDetails
Specific details for an erc20 withdrawal
📄️ ERC20MultiSigSignerAddedBundleEdge
No description
📄️ ERC20MultiSigSignerAddedBundle
No description
📄️ ERC20MultiSigSignerAddedConnection
Response for the signature bundle to add a particular validator to the signer list of the multisig contract
📄️ ERC20MultiSigSignerRemovedBundleEdge
No description
📄️ ERC20MultiSigSignerRemovedBundle
No description
📄️ ERC20MultiSigSignerRemovedConnection
Response for the signature bundle to remove a particular validator from the signer list of the multisig contract
📄️ ERC20SetAssetLimitsBundle
Response for the signature bundle to update the token limits (maxLifetimeDeposit and withdrawThreshold) for a given ERC20 token (already allowlisted) in the collateral bridge
📄️ ERC20
An asset originated from an Ethereum ERC20 Token
📄️ ETHAddress
No description
📄️ EthereumEvent
An Ethereum data source
📄️ EthereumKeyRotationEdge
An Ethereum key rotation record that is returned in a paginated Ethereum key rotation connection
📄️ EthereumKeyRotation
Describes the ethereum key rotations of nodes on the vega network
📄️ EthereumKeyRotationsConnection
A paginated type for returning Ethereum key rotation records
📄️ ExternalDataSourceSpec
externalDataSourceSpec is the type that wraps the DataSourceSpec type in order to be further used/extended
📄️ ExternalData
No description
📄️ FeeEstimate
An estimate of the fee to be paid for the order
📄️ FeeFactors
The factors applied to calculate the fees
📄️ Fees
The fees applicable to a market
📄️ Filter
Filter describes the conditions under which oracle data is considered of
📄️ FutureProduct
No description
📄️ Future
A Future product
📄️ HistorySegment
A segment of data node history
📄️ IcebergOrder
Details of the iceberg order
📄️ InstrumentConfiguration
No description
📄️ InstrumentMetadata
A set of metadata to associate to an instrument
📄️ Instrument
Describes something that can be traded on Vega
📄️ KeyRotationConnection
Connection type for retrieving cursor-based paginated key rotation information
📄️ KeyRotationEdge
Edge type containing the key rotation and cursor information returned by a KeyRotationConnection
📄️ KeyRotation
A node's key rotation event
📄️ LedgerEntry
No description
📄️ LiquidationEstimate
Liquidation estimate for both worst and best case possible
📄️ LiquidationPrice
Liquidation price estimate for either only the current open volume and position given some or all buy orders get filled, or position given some or all sell orders get filled
📄️ LiquidityMonitoringParameters
Configuration of a market liquidity monitoring parameters
📄️ LiquidityOrderReference
No description
📄️ LiquidityOrder
A special order type for liquidity providers
📄️ LiquidityProviderFeeShare
The equity like share of liquidity fee for each liquidity provider
📄️ LiquidityProvisionUpdate
The command to be sent to the chain for a liquidity provision submission
📄️ LiquidityProvision
The command to be sent to the chain for a liquidity provision submission
📄️ LiquidityProvisionsConnection
Connection type for retrieving cursor-based paginated liquidity provision information
📄️ LiquidityProvisionsEdge
Edge type containing the liquidity provision and cursor information returned by a LiquidityProvisionsConnection
📄️ LogNormalModelParams
Parameters for the log normal risk model
📄️ LogNormalRiskModel
A type of risk model for futures trading
📄️ LossSocialization
No description
📄️ MarginCalculator
No description
📄️ MarginConnection
Connection type for retrieving cursor-based paginated margin information
📄️ MarginEdge
Edge type containing the margin and cursor information returned by a MarginConnection
📄️ MarginEstimate
Margin level estimate for both worst and best case possible
📄️ MarginLevelsUpdate
Margins for a given a party
📄️ MarginLevels
Margins for a given a party
📄️ MarketConnection
Connection type for retrieving cursor-based paginated market information
📄️ MarketDataCommitments
The liquidity commitments for this market
📄️ MarketDataConnection
Connection type for retrieving cursor-based paginated market data information
📄️ MarketDataEdge
Edge type containing the reward and cursor information returned by a MarketDataConnection
📄️ MarketData
Live data of a Market
📄️ MarketDepthTrade
No description
📄️ MarketDepthUpdate
Market Depth Update is a delta to the current market depth which can be used to update the
📄️ MarketDepth
Market Depth is a measure of the number of open buy and sell orders for a security or currency at different prices.
📄️ MarketEdge
Edge type containing the market and cursor information returned by a MarketConnection
📄️ MarketEvent
No description
📄️ MarketTick
No description
📄️ MarketTimestamps
Timestamps for when the market changes state
📄️ Market
Represents a product & associated parameters that can be traded on Vega, has an associated OrderBook and Trade history
📄️ NetworkLimits
Information about whether proposals are enabled, if the markets are still bootstrapping, etc..
📄️ NetworkParameterEdge
Edge type containing the network parameter and cursor information returned by a NetworkParametersConnection
📄️ NetworkParameter
Representation of a network parameter
📄️ NetworkParametersConnection
Connection type for retrieving cursor-based paginated network parameters information
📄️ NewAsset
A new asset proposal change
📄️ NewFreeform
A new freeform proposal change. It has no properties on purpose. Use proposal
📄️ NewMarket
No description
📄️ NewTransfer
No description
📄️ NodeBasic
No description
📄️ NodeData
Summary of data across all nodes
📄️ NodeEdge
Edge type containing the node and cursor information returned by a NodesConnection
📄️ NodeSet
Details on the collection of nodes for particular validator status
📄️ NodeSignatureEdge
Edge type containing the node signature and cursor information returned by a NodeSignatureConnection
📄️ NodeSignature
Represents a signature for the approval of a resource from a validator
📄️ NodeSignaturesConnection
Connection type for retrieving cursor-based paginated node signature information
📄️ Node
Information available for a node
📄️ NodesConnection
Connection type for retrieving cursor-based paginated node information
📄️ ObservableLiquidityProviderFeeShare
The equity like share of liquidity fee for each liquidity provider
📄️ ObservableMarketData
Live data of a Market
📄️ ObservableMarketDepthUpdate
Market Depth Update is a delta to the current market depth which can be used to update the
📄️ ObservableMarketDepth
Market Depth is a measure of the number of open buy and sell orders for a security or currency at different prices.
📄️ OneOffGovernanceTransfer
The specific details for a one-off governance transfer
📄️ OneOffTransfer
The specific details for a one-off transfer
📄️ OracleDataConnection
No description
📄️ OracleDataEdge
No description
📄️ OracleData
An oracle data contains the data sent by an oracle
📄️ OracleSpecEdge
No description
📄️ OracleSpec
No description
📄️ OracleSpecsConnection
No description
📄️ OrderConnection
Connection type for retrieving cursor-based paginated order information
📄️ OrderEdge
Edge type containing the order and cursor information returned by a OrderConnection
📄️ OrderEstimate
An estimate of the fee to be paid by the order
📄️ OrderSubmission
Details of the order that will be submitted when the stop order is triggered.
📄️ OrderUpdate
An order update in Vega, if active it will be on the order book for the market
📄️ Order
An order in Vega, if active it will be on the order book for the market
📄️ PageInfo
Paging information returned with each page of a connection
📄️ PartyConnection
Connection type for retrieving cursor-based paginated party information
📄️ PartyEdge
Edge type containing the party and cursor information returned by a PartyConnection
📄️ PartyStake
All staking information related to a Party.
📄️ Party
Represents a party on Vega, could be an ethereum wallet address in the future
📄️ PeggedOrder
Create an order linked to an index rather than a price
📄️ PositionConnection
Connection type for retrieving cursor-based paginated position information
📄️ PositionEdge
Edge type containing the position and cursor information returned by a PositionConnection
📄️ PositionEstimate
Response for the estimate of the margin level and, if available, collateral was provided in the request, liqudation price for the specified position
📄️ PositionResolution
No description
📄️ PositionUpdate
An individual party at any point in time is considered net long or net short. This refers to their Open Volume,
📄️ Position
An individual party at any point in time is considered net long or net short. This refers to their Open Volume,
📄️ PriceLevel
Represents a price on either the buy or sell side and all the orders at that price
📄️ PriceMonitoringBounds
Range of valid prices and the associated price monitoring trigger
📄️ PriceMonitoringParameters
PriceMonitoringParameters holds a list of triggers
📄️ PriceMonitoringSettings
Configuration of a market price monitoring auctions triggers
📄️ PriceMonitoringTrigger
PriceMonitoringTrigger holds together price projection horizon τ, probability level p, and auction extension duration
📄️ PropertyKey
PropertyKey describes the property key contained in a source data.
📄️ Property
A property associates a name to a value
📄️ ProposalDetail
No description
📄️ ProposalEdge
Edge type containing the proposals and cursor information returned by a ProposalsConnection
📄️ ProposalRationale
No description
📄️ ProposalTerms
The rationale behind the proposal
📄️ ProposalVoteConnection
Connection type for retrieving cursor-based paginated proposal vote information
📄️ ProposalVoteEdge
Edge type containing the proposal vote and cursor information returned by a ProposalVoteConnection
📄️ ProposalVoteSide
No description
📄️ ProposalVote
No description
📄️ ProposalVotes
No description
📄️ Proposal
No description
📄️ ProposalsConnection
Connection type for retrieving cursor-based paginated proposals information
📄️ ProtocolUpgradeProposalConnection
Connection type for retrieving cursor-based paginated protocol upgrade proposals
📄️ ProtocolUpgradeProposalEdge
Edge type containing the protocol upgrade protocol cursor information
📄️ ProtocolUpgradeProposal
A proposal to upgrade the vega protocol (i.e. which version of the vega software nodes will run)
📄️ ProtocolUpgradeStatus
Indicator showing whether the data-node is ready for the protocol upgrade to begin.
📄️ PubKey
No description
📄️ RankingScore
No description
📄️ RecurringGovernanceTransfer
The specific details for a recurring governance transfer
📄️ RecurringTransfer
The specific details for a recurring transfer
📄️ RewardEdge
Edge type containing the reward and cursor information returned by a RewardsConnection
📄️ RewardScore
No description
📄️ RewardSummaryConnection
Connection type for retrieving cursor-based paginated reward summary information
📄️ RewardSummaryEdge
Edge type containing the reward summary and cursor information returned by a RewardSummaryConnection
📄️ RewardSummary
No description
📄️ Reward
Reward information for a single party
📄️ RewardsConnection
Connection type for retrieving cursor-based paginated rewards information
📄️ RiskFactor
A risk factor emitted by the risk model for a given market
📄️ ScalingFactors
No description
📄️ SettleDistressed
No description
📄️ SettlePosition
No description
📄️ Signer
Signer is the authorized signature used for the data.
📄️ SimpleRiskModelParams
Parameters for the simple risk model
📄️ SimpleRiskModel
A type of simple/dummy risk model where you can specify the risk factor long and short in params
📄️ StakeLinkingEdge
Edge type containing the stake linking and cursor information returned by a StakesConnection
📄️ StakeLinking
A stake linking represent the intent from a party to deposit / remove stake on their account
📄️ StakesConnection
Connection type for retrieving cursor-based paginated stake linking information
📄️ StakingSummary
All staking information related to a Party.
📄️ Statistics
Statistics about the node
📄️ StopOrderConnection
Connection type for retrieving cursory-based paginated stop order information
📄️ StopOrderEdge
Edge type containing the stop order and cursor information returned by a StopOrderConnection
📄️ StopOrderPrice
Price at which a stop order will trigger
📄️ StopOrderTrailingPercentOffset
Percentage movement in the price at which a stop order will trigger.
📄️ StopOrder
A stop order in Vega
📄️ SuccessorConfiguration
No description
📄️ SuccessorMarketConnection
Connection type for retrieving cursor-based paginated market information
📄️ SuccessorMarketEdge
Edge type containing the market and cursor information returned by a MarketConnection
📄️ SuccessorMarket
No description
📄️ TargetStakeParameters
TargetStakeParameters contains parameters used in target stake calculation
📄️ TimeUpdate
No description
📄️ TradableInstrument
A tradable instrument is a combination of an instrument and a risk model
📄️ TradeConnection
Connection type for retrieving cursor-based paginated trade information
📄️ TradeEdge
Edge type containing the trade and cursor information returned by a TradeConnection
📄️ TradeFee
The fee paid by the party when a trade occurs
📄️ TradeSettlement
No description
📄️ TradeUpdate
A trade on Vega, the result of two orders being 'matched' in the market
📄️ Trade
A trade on Vega, the result of two orders being 'matched' in the market
📄️ TransactionResult
The result from processing a transaction
📄️ TransactionSubmitted
No description
📄️ TransferBalance
No description
📄️ TransferConnection
Connection type for retrieving cursor-based paginated transfers information
📄️ TransferEdge
Edge type containing the transfer and cursor information returned by a TransferConnection
📄️ TransferResponse
No description
📄️ TransferResponses
No description
📄️ Transfer
A user initiated transfer
📄️ UpdateAsset
A proposal to update an asset's details
📄️ UpdateERC20
An asset originated from an Ethereum ERC20 Token
📄️ UpdateFutureProduct
No description
📄️ UpdateInstrumentConfiguration
No description
📄️ UpdateMarketConfiguration
No description
📄️ UpdateMarketLogNormalRiskModel
No description
📄️ UpdateMarketSimpleRiskModel
No description
📄️ UpdateMarket
Incomplete change definition for governance proposal terms
📄️ UpdateNetworkParameter
Allows submitting a proposal for changing network parameters
📄️ VoteConnection
Connection type for retrieving cursor-based paginated vote information
📄️ VoteEdge
Edge type containing the vote and cursor information returned by a VoteConnection
📄️ Vote
No description
📄️ WithdrawalEdge
Edge type containing the withdrawal and cursor information returned by a WithdrawalsConnection
📄️ Withdrawal
The details of a withdrawal processed by Vega
📄️ WithdrawalsConnection
Connection type for retrieving cursor-based paginated withdrawals information