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Version: testnet (v0.73)

Get current referral program

Get the on-going referral program.


A successful response.

    currentReferralProgram object

    Referral program currently activated on the network.

    benefitTiers object[]

    Defined tiers in increasing order. First element will give Tier 1, second element will give Tier 2, and so on.

  • Array [
  • minimumEpochs string

    Required number of epochs a party must have been in a referral set to access this tier.

    minimumRunningNotionalTakerVolume string

    Required running notional taker volume in quantum units for parties to access this tier.

    referralDiscountFactor Proportion of the referee's taker fees to be discounted
    referralRewardFactor Proportion of the referee's taker fees to be rewarded to the referrer
  • ]
  • endOfProgramTimestamp int64

    Timestamp as Unix time in seconds, after which when the current epoch ends, the programs status will become STATE_CLOSED and benefits will be disabled.

    endedAt int64

    Timestamp as Unix time in nanoseconds at which the program ended.

    id string

    Unique ID generated from the proposal that created this program.

    stakingTiers object[]

    Defined staking tiers in increasing order. First element will give Tier 1, second element will give Tier 2, and so on. Determines the level of benefit a party can expect based on their staking.

  • Array [
  • minimumStakedTokens string

    Required number of governance tokens ($VEGA) a referrer must have staked to receive the multiplier.

    referralRewardMultiplier string

    Multiplier applied to the referral reward factor when calculating referral rewards due to the referrer.

  • ]
  • version uint64

    Incremental version of the program. It is incremented after each program update.

    windowLength uint64

    Number of epochs over which to evaluate a referral set's running volume.
