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Version: mainnet (v0.72)

Customise key details

Use metadata to help identify your keys, or add other details for your key management.


You can see a list of available commands by running ./vegawallet -h on MacOS and Linux, or vegawallet -h on Windows. Help is also available for every command, for example: vegawallet key -h will provide information about the key command, and vega wallet key annotate -h will describe the annotate subcommand.

Give a name to a key pair

Use the metadata field name to give your key a label that means something to you. This name will be displayed by Vega interfaces like the governance dApp and Vega Console.

To give your key a name, use the following command:

vegawallet key annotate --wallet "MY_WALLET_NAME" --meta "name:MY_KEY_NAME" --pubkey "MY_PUBLIC_KEY"

Add metadata to your keys

For better key management, you may want to add other metadata to your key pairs. Metadata is a list of key-value pairs. A key-value is colon-separated, and the key-values are comma-separated.


  • If you wanted to add an item to remind you that you use a specific key pair for staking, you could create a key of purpose, with a value of staking. In that case, you would annotate your key pair with --meta "purpose:staking".
  • If you wanted two metadata on your key, format them as such: --meta "key1:value1;key2:value2". Adding a name and purpose would be formatted as: --meta "name:my_key;purpose:staking".

This command does not insert the new metadata alongside existing metadata items, it replaces them. If you want to keep the previous metadata, be sure to add them to your update.

Note: Your metadata must be formatted with " ".

vegawallet key annotate --wallet "MY_WALLET_NAME" --pubkey "MY_PUBLIC_KEY" --meta "key:value" 

Remove all metadata

You can remove all the metadata from a key pair using the following command:

vegawallet key annotate --wallet "MY_WALLET" --pubkey "MY_PUBLIC_KEY" --clear