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Version: mainnet (v0.72)

Check transaction

Check a signed transaction

Request Body required
    tx object

    Represents a transaction to be sent to Vega.

    address string

    Hex-encoded address of the sender. Not supported yet.

    inputData byte

    One of the set of Vega commands. These bytes are should be built as follows: chain_id_as_bytes + \0 character as delimiter + proto_marshalled_command.

    pow object

    Proof of work contains the random transaction id used by the client and the nonce.

    nonce uint64

    Number which, combined with the transaction identifier, will produce a hash with the required number of leading zeros to be accepted by the network.

    tid string

    Unique transaction identifier used to seed the proof-of-work hash.

    pubKey string

    Hex-encoded public key of the sender.

    signature object

    Signature of the input data.

    algo string

    Algorithm used to create the signature.

    value string

    Hex encoded bytes of the signature.

    version int64

    Version of the signature used to create the signature.

    version v1TxVersion



    Version of the transaction, to be used in the future in case changes are implemented to the transaction format.


A successful response.

    info Information about the transaction
    code int64
    data Data for details
    gasUsed int64
    gasWanted int64
    log Transaction log
    success Success will be true if the transaction was checked by the node